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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Megu Weight Watchers!

There are several ways to lose and gain weight on Megu. Here are some helpful tips for losing weight:

•Going on "walk" makes your Megu lose 0.10 kilograms.

•Using elixirs not only makes your Megu's satiety and health full, it also allows you to go on walk again and lose another 0.10 kilograms!

•If you don't have any elixirs and want to lose weight faster, you can feed your Megu fresh water and canned noodles. These foods are guaranteed to prevent weight gain.

•Your Megu loses a little bit of weight each day if you give it non-fattening foods.

Now that you have some advice for losing weight, here are some tips for gaining weight.

•Feeding your Megu high-fatty foods will (most of the time) result in weight gain. Some of the fattiest foods are big hamburgers (800 fat), limited gingerbread house (900 fat), limited christmas cake (800 fat), and limited roasted turkey (750 fat).

Well, there aren't many tips for weight gain, but if you do the opposite of the weight loss tips, your Megu might be able to gain weight faster. If your Megu isn't gaining or losing weight after you've tried all of these tricks, you might have reached the Megu's minimum or maximum weight and will not be able to gain/lose any more weight. Remember, different Megu evolutions may have different minimum and maximum weights. Good luck!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

New "Adventure" Feature!

There is a new feature in the recent update called "Adventure"! Going on an adventure costs ten elixirs, but you are guaranteed to receive a limited item after the adventure! Here are some screenshots taken by my Megu friend, Elise.

Kawaii Pet Megu

Hi everyone! I made this blog to help people with a game called "Kawaii Pet Megu" available for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android. I will be posting pictures and evolution tips. Stay tuned!